law firm ageing accounts receivablesTotal Accounts Receivable Management Solutions -- More and more, lawyers and law firm managers are recognizing that, by themselves, they cannot effectively collect accounts receivable, prevent them from ageing and devise ways to routinely collect older, difficult receivables. They need the assistance of trained professionals to see to it that they get as much of the money that is owed to them as possible. They are turning to the professionals at Client Connection for a total accounts receivable management solution. This includes:

  • An analysis of each firm's unique accounts receivable issues and concerns – and solutions, taking into account its size, management objectives, practice and client base.
  • A full array of best practices in accounts receivable management for the legal profession to help each of our clients develop workable solutions to receivable issues, thus preventing problems from recurring.
  • A team of experienced professionals who have the seniority, background and skills needed to help resolve law practice collection problems without jeopardizing client/attorney relationships.
  • A method of working closely with the leadership of the firm who are responsible for overseeing collection efforts.
  • A cost-efficient and results-oriented approach for all work performed.
  • A flexible style that allows you to decide how, based on your needs, it would be most effective for us to work with you.

We want to make it clear that we are not a collection agency. Like them, our goal is to ensure that our clients get paid the money that is owed to them. However, our focus is just as much on managing as on collecting receivables, and we place a premium on strengthening the client relationship.

If your firm has been struggling to manage its accounts receivable, don't keep making the same mistakes you have been making for years. Turn, as law firms have been doing for 20 years, to the accounts receivable management professionals at Client Connection for concrete solutions to your A/R challenges.

What Our Clients Say...

"We are very appreciative to Client Connection for taking much of the responsibility for accounts receivable management off our attorneys' shoulders. They have better ways to spend their time, and they are not so great with receivables anyway."

Chief Financial Officer, 225 Lawyer Firm in Southeast